Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rave and Rant about the VPs

Ok, so some people have been asking me why I haven't updated for awhile.  To be honest, nothing extremely exciting has been happening.  I've been getting settled (or at least trying to get settled) back into a routine of studying and going to classes.  Over the past week I've applied to about a dozen internships, have interviewed with 2 and have several more interviews coming up this week.  I have one pending offer in the works, but I will let you all know more about that when it's a done deal.  I have a feeling the internship blog will be a post in and of itself!

So...I decided to take my blogging opportunity to rave (and rant) about this year's VP choices.

1) Obama-Biden.....LOVE IT!

I was a closet Biden supporter from the beginning.  During the Iowa caucuses I liked Biden a lot.  I thought he was smart, experienced, but lacked the charisma to keep up with the year of heavy-hitters (namely, Obama and Clinton...but I like to include Edwards in the mix too!).  I remember telling a co-worker who was a precinct captain for Biden that I thought he would be a great Secretary of State but ok, I'll settle for VP.

Why do I think he's a brilliant choice for a running mate?  Obama picked a guy who filled out his weaknesses.  The Republicans have launched their attack as an "Obama lacks experience" front, particularly in the area of foreign policy.  So who does Obama pick?  A guy who's been in the Senate for 30+ years and is chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.  Eat that, McCain!

2)  To the McCain-Palin ticket I can only say (excuse my language):  what the HELL?  Seriously?  WHAT does she bring to your ticket?  Ok, so she's a woman.  cool.  If you really think that's going to get all of Hillary Clinton's supporters, you're a patronizing idiot.  MAYBE some women supported Clinton because she's a woman, but most supported her because of her stance on the issues (especially-though I don't like to name "women's issues"- issues that women tend to care a lot education and health care).

So Obama seemed to pick someone who compensated for his weaknesses.  What was McCain compensating for?  People say, "McCain, you're old and deathly looking," so he picks a woman who's middle aged and a former beauty pageant contestant?  Honestly, I can think of nothing else.

I've read that Palin might gain McCain some support among Evangelicals, who were afraid that he was going to pick a pro-choice running mate (Palin is pro-life).  OK.  But also consider that many (not all) conservative evangelicals do not believe women are fit to be public leaders.  How comfortable will they be voting for a 72-year-old man who has placed a woman as the next-in-line?

I really just don't get it.  I mean, I wanted Obama to win in November but c'mon McCain, at least make it interesting!  On the other hand, I am reeeaaaallly looking forward to the VP debate; it will be funny.

Now, I'm not saying that the election is in the bag.  Honestly, anything can happen in politics. However, I will say that if the VP choices are any indication of what's ahead, I will lose all faith in the American public if McCain even comes close in November.

Moral of the story:  Obama-Biden '08!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I Came, I Saw, I Conquered The Metro

The last few days have been eventful.  I have FINALLY been able to step off campus and explore a bit.  Yesterday I went down to the National Mall (you know..the area between the Washington Monument and the Capital, not a big place to go shopping) and looked around the Museum of Natural History.  Today I finally made it to Target and bought clothes hangers so I can get to unpacking the boxes of stuff that arrived for me a few days ago.  Driving me crazy!

The biggest success in all of this is that to do these things I rode the DC Metro, which means that I, midwestern Iowa girl, have conquered my fear (ok, not fear...but extreme naivety) of mass transportation.  I already feel a bit more worldly.  ;-)

Also weighing heavily on my mind is the fact that I do not have an internship lined up yet.  Monday there is an internship bazaar at American's main campus, so I'll head up there and check it out.  I did apply two places earlier  in the week.  One, it turns out, no longer exists so I was a bit disappointed.  The others emailed me and expressed interest, so I'm going to check them out at the internship bazaar!

Here are some pictures of my first few days:

The main entrance to our campus.  This is also my residence hall, too! (Capital Hall)

The Washington Monument on a beautiful day

A little bit of home -- Iowa soil in the "Dig It" exhibit at the Museum of Natural History

Well, that's it for now.  Maybe next time I write I'll have an internship?  Maybe????


Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well, I made it to DC without any complications.  The 6 am flight was maybe not the best thing for me, but I got myself out of bed and to the airport.  My flight arrived a bit early in DC and I was able to get my baggage, get the shuttle, and get to campus without any problems.

I haven't had much time to explore the area yet...I'm trying just to get settled in.

Just wanted you all to know that everything is good!  I'll keep you updated.

