I have successfully finished week 5, which means I am now 1/3 of the way through the program. I can't believe it. It has gone by very fast--I feel like my weeks just fly by. On the other hand, I feel like I've been here forever and Thanksgiving is ages away. On the other hand, I realize that one week from today I will be in NYC, approximately two weeks after that will be midterm, approximately 2 weeks after that I will a) be watching election results and b) packing my bags for Europe, I will be in Europe for 2 weeks, come back to DC for 24 hours and then head home to DSM for a week for Thanksgiving, come back for 2 weeks and be done! *whew* When it's put that way, I see my time here slipping away and I am frantically trying to get my stuff in order!
But enough on my shock about the mystery of time--I'm sure you all feel that way too! The REAL question is "what did I do this week?" And to that I say "what DIDN'T I do?"
This week has been crazy. I interned Monday/Tuesday, as usual. I am getting pretty deep into my research now, so that's nice. I find the research fun and the topic is interesting (though not surprising...did you know the U.S. gives a ton of money to Israel? hmmmm) BUT I do get kind of sick of doing one project alllllllllllll day long. It's my self-diagnosed ADD that kicks in, I guess.
Classes this week were intense. Tuesday's "Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing" (3 hour long class on that subject--it's difficult) was on the Armenian Genocide of WWI. It was emotionally very difficult for me, and I know the class is only going to get harder as the semester goes on. We are progressing through our case studies in chronological order, so of course the details/photos/documents only get more explicit as technology facilitated coverage and as survivors might still be living to tell their stories. Today, for instance, I spent several hours in the library doing the reading for this week's class--a very detailed account of the Rape of Nanking in China at the start of WWII. Several times I had to put the book down and walk away from my table, and at one point was almost reduced to tears. This stuff never ceases to shock/horrify/sicken me, even as I continue to study it. On the other hand, today I also suddenly realized that my reaction to the book was a really, really deep feeling. Definitely not a pleasant feeling, but it came as a relief to me because my studies/busy schedule/being suddenly planted in a large urban area/being away from home and friends/combination of other crap going on in my life has made me feel kind of....numb recently. Is this growth? Adjustment? A step forward? I hope so.
Anyway, I've gotten off track. So Wednesday my class went to the Organization of American States which is an absolutely GORGEOUS building (must put pictures up later). Then we had lecture in the afternoon and a night class with a career panel. That was interesting--compiled mostly of lawyers. One is now working for the Congressional Research Service, two others are practicing, and one is the former U.S. ambassador to Chad who is now self-employed and volunteers for Obama (wahoo!). After that, I made a flying back to my dorm, changed into my rockstar clothes, and met my roommate downtown because we successfully scored tickets to Ben Folds' concert. The concert was great and I must say (having received a sneak preview) that the new Ben Folds album (out Tuesday) is going to be AWESOME. Thursday was a busy day--leaving campus at 8:00 to be at the International Monetary Fund. The speaker was interesting, talked a bit about the current financial crisis, and did even get a little into caring for poor countries and development (interesting for the IMF because that is the World Banks' job). Quote of the day: "First world? Second World? Third World? My friends, there's only one world." Then back to campus for lecture. Then off again to the World Bank, which at that point I was so exhausted and annoyed that I was in class until 7 pm that I didn't pay much attention. Just kidding, I did pay attention but it wasn't too enlightening. An overview of the World Bank. Then off to Georgetown for Jannike's birthday celebration at a Spanish Tapas Bar, where my roommate continued her tradition of breaking U.S. law by providing alcohol to someone underaged (by giving me a drink of her wine...something she really enjoys. haha!). But really I just had water and enjoyed some tapas. :-)
Friday was class at 9:00 am-speakers from the State Department and Tahari Justice Center talking about human trafficking. An interesting class session--wish it hadn't been so early on a Friday morning. :-) I spent the rest of Friday being super unproductive (catching up on The Office and America's Next Top Model...oh, guilty pleasures). Friday night we had a debate watching party. It is really fun watching a debate with 50 other people who are approximately just as nerdy as you are. AND, I must say I also enjoy that most of them lean to the left, like myself. Overall, I enjoyed the debate but didn't see any clear winner. I did, however, think Obama seemed much more comfortable with the format of the debate than McCain. What I am really excited for is the VP debate this week--THAT will be interesting! Also, fun fact: I realized that both McCain and Obama are lefthanded. A coincidence or are really smart/powerful/successful people lefthanded? hmmmm...So the next President of the U.S. will be a lefty! I like it.
This weekend was a lot of homework, another library date with Lizzy, a bunch of laundry, and a continuing scramble to do my work. Ohhhh...college. I thought this semester was going to be a "break" for me? What the heck happened there? Oh well.
On other fronts, I continue my mental anguish over WHAT exactly I am going to do with the rest of my life, or at least once I finish my 3 very short semesters left at Drake. Sooooo...if any of you have any suggestions or brilliant ideas, please share. Seriously.
Anyway, I'm off to catch up with the girls at Drake and then hit the books again. I really should start posting twice a week, since these entries are getting very long but it seems like there isn't ever time until Sunday night. Oh well, if you really care, you stuck with me to the end of this one!
Love you all!