Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Hello everyone!

I am happy to (finally!) announce that I have accepted an internship position. The last two weeks have been a frenzy of applications, resumes, cover letters, internship bazaars, and interviews. I believed I ended up applying to about a dozen organizations and was offered positions at five. This was a great opportunity, as I got to "shop around" for an internship that seemed to be a good match, but also difficult because I had to turn down some great organizations!

I ultimately settled on a position with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America's Washington Office. As some of you may know, the ELCA is my home church and I am very excited to have an internship that allows me to explore two of my biggest interests--politics and religion! My particular position places me under the Director of Mid-Eastern Policy at the ELCA Washington Office. As I understand it, I have two main projects for the semester, though I was told that I would have a great deal of freedom to pursue any project that interests me. One big project is researching the distribution of aid from the U.S. government to Israel and to Palestine. The other project will involve working with synods and congregations on an ELCA publication about the future of Iraq. As I understand it, the publication has already been created and my job will mainly be organizing its distribution and training congregations on how to approach the guide. It should be interesting!

I'll keep you posted on how the internship is going, as well as any fun DC things I'll be doing in the upcoming weeks!

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