Monday, September 22, 2008

Last Week...

Well, I haven't posted for a week and thought that I should give an update.  Unfortunately, last week seems so long ago I will have to try really hard to remember what is blog-worthy!

Last week was very work-heavy.  I worked three days at my internship last week--an extra day to make up one of the six I will miss during my travels.  I also had a ton of homework.  Actually, I did this to myself because I have fallen behind in my reading.  This is a very new experience for me...seriously.  On Tuesday I had to lead my "Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing" class' discussion.  All things considered, it went well.  I spent Monday evening at the house of girl from my class, preparing for the presentation.  That was kind of fun because she made me dinner (a home-cooked meal!) and I got to check out the student housing down on The Hill.  She also lives next-door to Senator Cochran (R-Mississippi) so I tried to peak into the windows of a Senators house.  ;-) I also just discovered that I cannot type the word "senator" correctly because of my brother.  I automatically type "seanator."  Thanks, Sean.

I spent a large portion of my weekend trying to get caught up on schoolwork.  I'm still not quite there, but I did make a serious dent into my reading.  My burden was shared, however, by my friend Lizzy who accompanied me to the library all day Saturday.  To reward ourselves, we had a "date night" Saturday night and went down to Adam's Morgan for Indian food.  It almost made the studying worth it...almost.  At dinner, Lizzy and I decided that we both wanted to visit Georgetown's law school while we are here this semester, so we are making plans to visit the Friday of our fall break (October 17).

What was interesting was my seminar class last Friday.  We spent all day Friday at American University's law school, observing panel discussions on the legal implications of Guantanamo Bay and the way forward.  Some of the speakers were very interesting...some I wanted to smack.  Unfortunately, the discussions were pretty intense for undergraduates--a lot of legalise that none of us really understood.  I think I was a step ahead of my classmates due to last years' paper for Professor DeLaet, but I was pretty much drowning by the end of the day.  Good time for the weekend!

I started Sunday off right with a mile walk up to the National Cathedral for Sunday morning service.  Then, it was back to the books!  Sunday didn't seem to be as productive as Saturday, however.  The bottom line is that I'm still about a chapter behind where I should be in my readings.  It's a dismal looking situation, indeed.  However, this weekend is looking pretty clear so maybe (maybe?) I will get caught up!

Tonight I'm feeling pretty exhausted from very little sleep and a long day of internship today.  I also am looking forward to a pretty crazy week.  My class is visiting the Organization of American States, the International Monetary Fund, AND the World Bank this addition to a guest speaker on human trafficking and at least two ordinary class sessions.  I have night classes two nights this week instead of one.  Thursday night I'm going to Georgetown to celebrate a friends' birthday, and my roommate and I are trying desperately to get cheap tickets to see Ben Folds Wednesday night.  I think I will need a relaxing weekend after this week!

I am also beginning to experience my first real case of homesickness...or more Drake-sickness.  I realized this week that band auditions are next week, and it seems so weird that I will not be there!  I even made a desperate attempt to get my hands on a bassoon this week, but was not successful.  I will definitely have my work cut out for me when I return in December, to get myself in shape for band in January!

I know this was a pretty long and mundane blog entry...thanks for bearing with me!  I'm sure that with everything I have going on this week, next week's entry will be a bit more exciting!

Take care, everyone!

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